Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

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Let’s Start by Looking at Its Past, Sixty Years of Dissertations
Fig. 1 “Dissertations in Progress,” Art Journal 22, no. 3 (Spring 1963): 168 (published under fair use) In spring 1963, Art Journal,1 published by the  College Art Association (CAA), featured a new section, entitled “Dissertations in Progress.”2 It was introduced by a brief caveat that described the list as “tentative and incomplete” while promising that it would be augmented in future issues (Fig. 1). At that time, the editors of the journal could not have foreseen that this particular feature, which included dissertations being written at only five universities,  would remain a persistent yet greatly… Full Review
August 18, 2020
Michael Gaudio
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 224 pp.; 16 color ills.; 67 b/w ills. Cloth $120.00 (9781517907396)
Struck by lightning at his Philadelphia house in 1745, Benjamin Franklin’s friend Gilbert Tennent penned a sermon on God’s “Majestick Voice in the Thunder,” a warning to those disputing divine power over the wicked and the good. “Who can stand before this Holy Lord God,” Tennent wrote, “when once his Anger begins to burn?” Franklin himself was experimenting with electricity nearby, wielding rods and bells, harnessing invisibilities in less prophetic but equally noisy ways. The alternate poles of “enchantment or enlightenment” (ix), as Michael Gaudio’s brilliant new book argues, tacking between sensory deception and revelation, colored both men’s understanding of… Full Review
August 13, 2020
FROM THE ARCHIVE: This summer, is revisiting reviews that relate to the social issues of the present, at a time when the field is taking them up in renewed ways. Today we travel to the Seattle Art Museum exhibition Figuring History: Robert Colescott, Kerry James Marshall, Mickalene Thomas in a review by Lacey Baradel. Full Review
August 12, 2020
Anne Lafont
Dijon, France: Les presses du réel, 2019. 476 pp.; 132 color ills.; 8 b/w ills. Paper €32.00 (9782378960162)
The polysemous nature of the concept of race in the eighteenth century meant that while the term’s employment was widespread, its meaning was hardly fixed. Regardless, what united its many different usages was a consensus that it was defined by visual traits, thus making the visual arts one of the most important disseminators and delineators of racial information. As Anne Lafont states in her impressively researched and comprehensive L’art et la race: Race is indeed anchored in the body regardless of the will of those who are its carriers. . . . Its absence of categorical fixity during the… Full Review
August 11, 2020
Elizabeth Otto and Patrick Rössler
New York: Herbert Press, 2019. 192 pp.; 200 ills. Cloth $40.00 (9781912217960)
Elizabeth Otto and Patrick Rössler’s Bauhaus Women: A Global Perspective tells the stories of forty-five female designers, artists, and architects who graduated from the renowned Bauhaus school of design, architecture, and applied arts. Each story offers an invigorating look at the artist’s process, exploring art and life as well as the confronting of self and society. The juxtaposition of these artists’ paradoxical dilemmas between individuality and cultural collectivity demonstrates that they deserve deeper understanding from us. They connect the Bauhaus to the wider world, as asserted by the authors—even though they do not clarify the specific ways such a connection… Full Review
August 6, 2020
FROM THE ARCHIVE: This summer, is revisiting reviews that relate to the social issues of the present, at a time when the field is taking them up in renewed ways. This week we revisit the exhibition Per(sister): Incarcerated Women of Louisiana with Jillian Hernandez. Full Review
Suheyla Takesh and Lynn Gumpert, eds.
Exh. cat. New York and Munich: Grey Art Gallery in association with Hirmer Publishers, 2020. 256 pp.; 162 color ills. Cloth $50.00 (9783777434285)
Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, January 14–April 4, 2020; McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College, January 25–June 6, 2021; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, New York, February 5–June 12, 2022
Writing in 1964, the Algerian painter Mohammed Khadda (1930–1991) identified “that day in 1910 when the Russian artist [Wassily] Kandinsky created the first nonrepresentational work” as marking the birth of “nonfigurative (or abstract) painting.” (Note: For the sake of consistency, I have used the exhibition curators’ transliteration of artists’ names.) Published in Révolution africaine, the National Liberation Front’s weekly newspaper, Khadda’s piece was the first of three artists’ statements titled “Éléments pour un art nouveau” (Elements for a new art), in which the authors grappled with the question of the role of the artist in the postindependence state. While… Full Review
August 4, 2020
FROM THE ARCHIVE: This summer, is revisiting reviews that relate to the social issues of the present, at a time when the field is taking them up in renewed ways. Today’s highlight is Otherwise: Imagining Queer Feminist Art Histories by Amelia Jones and Erin Silver, reviewed by Alison Syme. Full Review
FROM THE ARCHIVE: This summer, is revisiting reviews that relate to the social issues of the present, at a time when the field is taking them up in renewed ways. Today we spotlight Kate Flint’s discussion of The Tiger in the Smoke: Art and Culture in Post-War Britain by Lynda Nead. Full Review
FROM THE ARCHIVE: This summer, is revisiting reviews that relate to the social issues of the present, at a time when the field is taking them up in renewed ways. First up, Erin Silver considers Exist Otherwise: The Life and Works of Claude Cahun by Jennifer L. Shaw. Full Review
Christina Weyl
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2019. 296 pp.; 76 color ills.; 63 b/w ills. Cloth $65.00 (9780300238501)
A current and valuable effort in art history is the examination of a well-known topic with greater attention to the contributions of women and other marginalized individuals. This expansion of familiar narratives is grounded not in rewriting historical facts but in rehabilitating figures—whether they be artists, gallery owners, curators, or collectors—who have been largely or even entirely overlooked, not only to shed light on their accomplishments but also to establish a broader understanding of a moment in time, which allows for a deeper historical account. Christina Weyl’s book The Women of Atelier 17, focused on women artists working at… Full Review
July 23, 2020
Sarah L. Eckhardt
Exh. cat. Richmond, VA and Durham, NC: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in association with Duke University Press, 2020. 260 pp.; 140 ills. Cloth $40.00 (9781934351178)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, February 1–October 18, 2020; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, dates to be announced; J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, dates to be announced; Cincinnati Art Museum, Spring 2022
The history of the Kamoinge Workshop, a group of Black photographers founded in 1960s Harlem, is documented and analyzed from multiple, beautifully blended perspectives in this important, substantial book. I had expected to study it after viewing the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) exhibition for which it serves as a catalog. However, shortly after the exhibition opened, the venue was closed to the public, another museum casualty of COVID-19. Louis Draper, the founding member and mainstay of the collective, wrote in his history of the workshop: “‘Kamoinge’ is derived from the Kikuyu [a language of Kenya]… Full Review
July 21, 2020
Halle O’Neal
Harvard East Asian Monographs 412. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. 310 pp.; 90 color ills. Cloth $75.00 (9780674983861)
In this monograph, Halle O’Neal investigates a genre of Buddhist painting known as “jeweled pagoda mandalas” (kinji hōtō mandara; hereafter JPM), which was popular in Japan during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Three full sets and a few lone examples separated from their original sets remain. At the center of these vertical compositions on indigo-dyed paper, a multistory pagoda appears surrounded by narrative vignettes from a popular sutra. The central pagoda is constructed from a transcription in gold of the very sutra that the painting features in the surrounding vignettes, in some cases with further embellishment in… Full Review
July 16, 2020
Vincent Delieuvin and Louis Frank, eds.
Exh. cat. Paris: Louvre éditions in association with Hazan, 2019. 480 pp.; 380 ills. Paper €35.00 (9782754111232)
Musée du Louvre, Paris, October 24, 2019–February 24, 2020
It is tempting for biographers of Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) to wax poetic about the artist’s supernatural talents and divine genius, but instead the Louvre’s blockbuster exhibition Léonard de Vinci offered a cerebral and technical approach to understanding the old master’s virtuosic oeuvre. Cocurated by Vincent Delieuvin, the Louvre’s curator of paintings, and Louis Frank, curator of drawings and prints, this much-anticipated retrospective coincided with the five-hundredth anniversary of Leonardo’s death. As stated in the wall text and accompanying booklet, the primary goal of the exhibition was to demonstrate “Leonardo’s revolutionary approach,” which “aimed to make painting a science encompassing… Full Review
July 14, 2020
Dany Sandron and Andrew Tallon
Trans. Andrew Tallon and Lindsay Cook. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2020. 192 pp.; 170 color ills. Paper $34.95 (9780271086224)
Reading any book of art history inevitably involves looking back into at least two different periods of history: the one that produced the art discussed in the book and the one that produced the book itself. In reading a newly published book, one often assumes that it was written in something like the present. In reading the book under consideration here, however, I found that even the recent past seemed very distant. When the original French edition of this book appeared in 2013, Notre-Dame in Paris was being visited by vast crowds every day, and authors Dany Sandron and Andrew… Full Review
July 9, 2020