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Reviews in caa.reviews are published continuously by CAA and Taylor & Francis, with the most recently published reviews listed below. Browse reviews based on geographic region, period or cultural sphere, or specialty (from 1998 to the present) using Review Categories in the sidebar or by entering terms in the search bar above.
Recently Published Reviews
Gauvin Alexander Bailey
New York:
Phaidon, 2005.
448 pp.;
240 color ills.;
10 b/w ills.
Something there is that doesn’t love the survey of art history textbook. Just as with Robert Frost’s more pentametric unloved wall, everyone has a different opinion of just what it should keep in, or keep out. It’s a statistical fact that very few of the many aspiring tomes published in this category succeed in being accepted as required reading in big-enrollment introductory courses, thus rewarding underpaid professors with long-term royalty income. Even more discouraging to the hopeful authors, and unlike the never irrelevant and always assignable monograph even when out of print, the survey text once remaindered is no longer…
Full Review
March 1, 2006
Venice, Italy, June 12–November 6, 2005
The themes of parent-child relationships, migration, and colonialism resonate throughout the exhibition spaces of the two-pronged Venice Biennale, as well as in the national pavilions. Curated by María de Corral, the Experience of Art at the Giardini and the Italian Pavilion joins forces with Always a Little Further, curated by Rosa Martínez at the Arsenale, to engage visitors in an overall exhibition that cuts across several countries and time periods. Despite the often incongruous juxtapositions, viewers can self-curate a selection of works, making the overwhelming Biennale a more manageable exhibition. What follows is this reviewer’s attempt at lending some…
Full Review
March 1, 2006
Michael Stolleis and Ruth Wolff, eds.
Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2004.
377 pp.;
80 b/w ills.
In the middle of the last century, Nicola Ottokar (“Criteri d’ordine, di regolarità e d’organizzazione nell'urbanistica ed in genere nella vita fiorentina dei secoli xiii-xiv,” Archivio storico italiano 98.1, 1940: 101–106) and Wolfgang Braunfels (Mittelalterliche Stadtbaukunst in der Toskana, Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann, 1953) demonstrated the fruitfulness of consulting the statutes of medieval Italian cities for insights into their urban form. Although art historians have continued to mine these sources in the intervening years, the last decade has brought an explosion of new research not only on medieval and Renaissance urbanism in Italy but also in the history of…
Full Review
March 1, 2006
Peter Parshall and Rainer Schoch
National Gallery of Art in association with Yale University Press, 2005.
371 pp.;
177 color ills.;
53 b/w ills.
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., September 4–November 27, 2005; Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, December 14, 2005–March 19, 2006
When Peter Parshall authored his standard work, The Renaissance Print, 1470–1550 (with David Landau; New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994), critical readers noted one significant omission: the earliest century of woodcuts before the generation of Albrecht Dürer. Perhaps it was because those works offered stark outlines and relatively little interior modeling, though they frequently were also colored to enhance their naturalism. Now the missing link has been forged. Drawing from extraordinary holdings of this material in their respective museums, Parshall and Schoch provide the first real study of early woodcuts since Arthur Hind in 1935 (though Richard Field, who contributes…
Full Review
February 17, 2006
Victoria Weston
Ann Arbor:
Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan.
371 pp.;
27 color ills.;
53 b/w ills.
Japanese Painting and National Identity: Okakura Tenshin and His Circle describes the efforts of art theorist and educator Okakura Tenshin (1862–1913) to develop a national painting style in Japan during the Meiji era (1868–1912). It focuses on the ways in which that goal manifested itself in the educational institutions and painting themes and styles he was involved in creating in association with his collaborator Ernest Fenollosa (1853–1908). Victoria Weston’s extensive research, coupled with her concise writing style, places Okakura and his group within the heightened consciousness of national identity that defines the Meiji era and adds depth to an understanding…
Full Review
February 17, 2006
David M. Lubin
University of California Press, 2003.
355 pp.;
110 b/w ills.
The image world of the Kennedy era is so ripe for critical reexamination that after reading David Lubin’s innovative study I kept wondering why it took this long to be tackled. Between JFK’s orchestrated rise to the limelight in the early 1950s and unexpected yet captured-on-camera murder in November 1963, could one find a better turning point in modern U.S. history than the second, neo-Camelot decade of Cold War America? In the tradition of Fitzgerald, many eulogize the period as the end of American innocence, while a disenchanted minority leans toward Malcolm X’s judgment of “the chickens coming home to…
Full Review
February 17, 2006
Elizabeth C. Childs
New York:
Peter Lang, 2004.
252 pp.;
72 b/w ills.
Elizabeth Childs’s Daumier and Exoticism: Satirizing the French and the Foreign should appeal to a wide variety of readers, from the Honoré Daumier specialist to the undergraduate student of nineteenth-century art. Supplementing previous scholarly work on Daumier and on mid-nineteenth-century caricature and press censorship, including Judith Wechsler’s consideration of the significance and interpretation of physical characteristics in A Human Comedy: Physiognomy and Caricature in 19th Century Paris (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982) and Childs’s own case study of the suppression of freedom of expression in “Big Trouble: Daumier, Gargantua, and the Censorship of Political Caricature” (Art Journal…
Full Review
February 6, 2006
Thomas Heyd and John Clegg, eds.
Aldershot, UK and Burlington, Vt.:
Ashgate, 2005.
316 pp.;
106 b/w ills.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century it seems that history might be repeating itself with a call to a return to aesthetics. Not so much the aesthetics of the philosophers as the domain of the aesthetic itself. At the beginning of the twentieth century philosophical aesthetics had run out of steam: the German idealists had made themselves too remote from the practice of art to be of any use to art history. Alois Riegl felt that aesthetics had to be done again, this time from art. Max Dessoir felt that a united effort had to be made by psychologists…
Full Review
February 6, 2006
Julie Reiss
Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT Press, 1999.
205 pp.
(9780262681346 )
Mark Rosenthal
Prestel, 2003.
96 pp.;
14 color ills.;
44 b/w ills.
Nicolas de Oliveira, Nicola Oxley, and Michael Petry
New York:
Thames and Hudson, 2004.
208 pp.;
268 color ills.;
49 b/w ills.
Claire Bishop
New York:
Routledge, 2005.
144 pp.;
268 color ills.;
20 b/w ills.
As an inherently heterogeneous practice, installation art presents a challenge to those who would define it and write its history. The task is both to determine its consistent attributes without being too exclusive and to parse the expanding number of works described as “installation art” into categories coherent enough to provide a critical framework. To complicate matters, these generally ephemeral pieces have often been only poorly documented in photographs and first-hand accounts. Given these challenges, it is not surprising that the approaches and potential audiences for the four books under review are so varied: they range from broad surveys to…
Full Review
February 6, 2006
David Peters Corbett
University Park and Manchester, UK:
Pennsylvania State University Press in association with Manchester University Press, 2005.
256 pp.;
22 color ills.;
70 b/w ills.
The concluding dozen pages of The World in Paint: Modern Art and Visuality in England, 1848–1914, spell out two concerns or commitments that underpin, but are not allowed to dominate, the preceding text. First of these is an assertion of the fundamental value of attention to the physical properties of the work of art, to what we actually see, and a renunciation of approaches, notably the social history of art, that tend to look elsewhere. The second is an attack on widespread acceptance of Virginia Woolf’s famous response to Roger Fry’s first Post-Impressionist exhibition that “on or about December…
Full Review
February 3, 2006
Craig Clunas
University of Hawai‘i Press, 2004.
232 pp.;
63 color ills.;
35 b/w ills.
This book is a distinguished addition to a distinguished body of work and an important contribution to studies of the Ming period. By looking at Wen Zhengming’s calligraphy and painting as objects embedded in complex networks of obligation, patronage, and reciprocity, Craig Clunas provides richly detailed new perspectives on familiar events and questions of the period. Although good English-language studies of Wen have been done in the past, this one is a significant advance. It incorporates much recent scholarship in Chinese, including letters and other materials assembled by the contemporary scholar Zhou Daozhen that were not included in the official…
Full Review
February 3, 2006
Oliver Watson
Thames and Hudson in association with Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, Kuwait National Museum, al-Sabah Collection, 2004.
512 pp.;
900+ color ills.
This deluxe catalogue featuring Islamic ceramics from the al-Sabah Collection in Kuwait is a welcome addition to the literature on the subject. Although a few catalogues of Islamic ceramics collections have been published in the twenty-first century (for example, Géza Fehérvári’s Ceramics of the Islamic World in the Tareq Rajab Museum, London: I.B.Tauris, 2000), the exceptional quality and range of the al-Sabah collection set it apart. In the introductory chapters of Ceramics from Islamic Lands, Oliver Watson broaches questions that other cataloguers of private collections might have avoided, namely fashions in collecting, the gulf between the types of…
Full Review
January 27, 2006
Seymour Slive
Exh. cat.
Yale University Press, 2005.
288 pp.;
160 color ills.;
30 b/w ills.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, June 26–September 18, 2005;
Jacob van Ruisdael: Master of Landscape, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art until February 5, 2006, is a splendid exhibition; it is not to be missed by anyone with an interest in landscape painting or in Dutch art. The show provides an admirable overview of Ruisdael's work. It includes expected monuments such as the Dresden Jewish Cemetery (ca. 1655; cat. no. 22) and the Hermitage Marsh in a Forest (ca. 1665; cat. no. 37), but also a number of little-known gems. Though paintings quite understandably dominate the exhibition, works on paper—including all of Ruisdael's exceedingly rare etchings—are given their…
Full Review
January 27, 2006
David A. Levine and Larry Silver
College Art Association.
H. W. Janson and Anthony F. Janson, History of Art: The Western Tradition, 6th rev. ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004). 1032 pages; 1326 illustrations, 976 in color. Cloth $95.00
Fred S. Kleiner and Christin J. Mamiya, Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, 12th ed; 2 vols. (Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005). 1150 pages; 1306 illustrations, almost all in color, Paper w/CD-ROM $189.90
Marilyn Stokstad et al., Art History, 2nd rev. ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2005). 1264 pages; 1409 illustrations, 1004 in color. Cloth w/CD-ROM $120.00
Frederick Hartt, Art: A History of Painting,…
Full Review
January 25, 2006
Felipe Pereda and Fernando Marías, eds.
Nerea, 2002.
398 pp.;
309 color ills.;
8 b/w ills.
One of the joys of archival research is making a discovery. Would that everyone’s could be as significant as the recovery by Felipe Pereda and Fernando Marías of a manuscript atlas of maps and bird’s-eye views of the entire coast of Spain assembled between 1622 and 1634 by the Portuguese cartographer, Pedro Teixeira (alternately, Texeira as used in the volume under review). The atlas survives at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, home also to the impressive collection of views of Spanish cities made for Philip II between 1562 and 1570 by another foreign subject of the Spanish…
Full Review
January 23, 2006
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